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Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) has always been the foundation of our society. We strive to create a space for women-identifying students to feel supported throughout their education. However, to promote more diversity and inclusion within our society, we have teamed up with other diversity-based clubs such as McMaster EngiQueers, and the National Society of Black Engineers to expand our reach across the Faculty of Engineering. The collaboration between these clubs is to host a conference encompassing concepts of equity, diversity, inclusion, allyship, and intersectionality. This event is meant to educate and promote a sense of community. Additionally, throughout the year, the McMaster WIE will be hosting a series of workshops and seminars to discuss important topics such as microaggressions, how to succeed as a minority, intersectionality, and many more!

Inclusion and Diversity in engineering alliance (I.D.E.A.) COnference

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The McMaster Women in Engineering Society, McMaster EnqiQueers, and the National Society of Black Engineers McMaster Student Chapter are proud to announce the first ever I.D.E.A (Inclusion and Diversity in Engineering Alliance) Conference! As the three identity-based student clubs in McMaster Engineering, we created this collective conference to help educate and empower students, encourage allyship, and bring light to the importance of equity, diversity, and inclusion.

The conference will include workshops on important topics like ally ship and microaggressions, an introduction to EDI (Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion), a panel of alumni and students speaking on their experience being a minority in the workforce, an employer networking session where you will be able to attend booths and have one-on-one conversations with representatives, and B. Pagels-Minor as the keynote speaker!

The conference will be held on Saturday, January 30th, from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM EST. Be sure to register for the event using this link:

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The McMaster Women in Engineering Society


Hamilton, ON, Canada

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